What Makes A Good Research Proposal? Expert Tips For Ghanaian Students

A research proposal is very important, whether you want to pursue an undergraduate or graduate program. But things can quickly go so wrong when developing it, causing your research to be rejected or missing out on funding opportunities. So, what makes a good research proposal? Read on to find out more.

1. Your hypotheses or research questions are clear 

It’s pretty common for students to give poorly explained overly broad or vague research questions/hypotheses. But this only makes your proposal lack focus, and readers may begin to question your research purpose. So, make sure that you clearly specify what questions you wish to answer with your study, and write them well so that your readers can understand.

Always remember- your hypotheses must pass through experiments, surveys, or other data collection methods and give a clear link between variables. In the same vein, don’t use questions that need a simple “yes” or “no.” Instead, make it a point to explore relationships, causes, and effects.

2. Your research plan is feasible

Your research proposal is speculative and is supposed to convince your readers that you know what you’re doing. That said, a poorly defined, unrealistic, or lack of detail in your methodology can quickly undermine the credibility of your research. This can happen if your methods won’t answer the research question or are beyond the researcher’s capabilities. Fortunately, you can avoid this by making yours achievable, realistic, and clear. You can even throw in a time frame and a data collection and analysis plan, just to spice up your proposal.

Dig Deeper: Online Thesis Writing Services In Ghana

3. Your proposal is consistent and coherent

You don’t want to present a proposal that is disorganized or difficult to follow. But you risk experiencing this if your sections are disjointed and don’t connect well. These, in addition to inconsistencies between the research question, objectives, and methods, can lead to confusion and affect your proposal’s credibility. So make sure you write in a way that one section flows into the other seamlessly. Perhaps you can create a rough draft first, go through and correct what’s necessary, and submit the edited version.

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4. You present your document professionally

How you present your proposal matters a lot, which is why readers will judge your competence if you include a lot of spelling and grammar errors, have poor formatting, and do not follow the specified guidelines. So save your competence and credibility by taking your time to write your proposal, ensuring there aren’t grammatical errors. While at it, stick to the required format and guidelines, as it shows that you pay attention to detail and value professionalism.

Present a good proposal for your supervisors today!

Now that you know what a good proposal should be like, feel free to partner with us whenever you want to write yours. Our professional writing team will ensure that your proposal stands out from the rest in a very positive way. Kindly reach out to us at +233 24 156 7426 or email us at [email protected] to get started.

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