This Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between [WriteMyResearchPaperForMe.Com –An Operation of Think Expand Ltd.] (“Company”) and the Client/ “You” (“Client”) upon the Client’s acceptance of these terms and conditions.

  1. Services

Writer agrees to provide academic writing services for Client, as per assigned basis. Each project will entail the following details:

  • Project Description: [Brief description of the project, e.g., research paper, essay editing, etc.]
  • Topic: [Specific topic of the project]
  • Level of Study: [e.g., Undergraduate, Graduate]
  • Referencing Style: [e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago]
  • Word Count: [Approximate word count]
  • Deadline: [Date by which the project is due]
  • Additional Requirements: [List any specific formatting instructions, sources, or professor guidelines]
  1. Fees and Payment
  • Payment: Client agrees to pay the Writer the total for the services described in the invoice.
  • Payment Schedule: The Client agrees on milestone-based payments; initial at least 30% payment before the work begins, ongoing payment after 1st submission (chapter (s), batch etc) till completion.
  • Payment Method: Payment can be made via bank transfer, via Paystack (card/mobile  money) or direct mobile money payment as per details stated in the assignment invoice.
  • Overview: To ensure a smooth and efficient process, we require full upfront payment or milestone payments for project exceeding GHS 450 before we commence work on your project. This policy helps us prioritize your work and deliver high-quality results in a timely manner.

Payment Terms:

  • Upfront Payment: Full payment, GHS [Amount] is required before work begins for projects less than or equal to GHS 450.00
  • Milestone Payments: For projects exceeding GHS 450.00, payment is divided into milestones with at least 30% initial payment. Each milestone must be paid upfront before proceeding to the next phase.
  • No Pay, No Work: Work will be paused if payment is not received as per the agreed schedule.
  • Reactivation: Work will be reactivated and continued after next milestone payment is made; paused due to non-payment and subsequently restarted.
  1. Revisions and Edits
  • Assignment corrections are included in the agreed-upon fee.
  • Additional revisions by the Client increasing the number of pages will be billed per the agreed upon rate and added to the total amount for the work.
  1. Ownership and Confidentiality
  • All rights, including copyright, to the completed work will be transferred to the Client upon full payment.
  • Writer agrees to keep all information regarding Client’s project confidential.
  1. Availability and Deliverability
  • The Writer agrees to inform the Client within 24hrs of unavailability to take and deliver on new writing tasks due to extended breaks, unforeseen issues, technical challenges or other for other purposes.
  • Where the Writer is available and the writing task has already been assigned, and by emergency the Writer will not be available, the Writer agrees to inform the Client in charge within a maximum of 48 hrs of receiving assignment.
  • Where the Writer is available and was assigned a writing task but failed to communicate to the Client about his/her unavailability but kept mute during the duration of the assignment and the entire project over delayed and was eventually terminated as a result of no-deliveries, any initial work done earlier or later will not be paid for.
  • Where the Writer failed to follow the assignment requirements or produced a low-quality work, payment for such works shall be based on the following:
    • Revisions: If the work can be salvaged with revisions, negotiations will be made on the timeframe and expectations for these revisions. Payments will be made upon acceptance of the final revised work.
    • Partial Payment: If the work holds some value but requires substantial reworking by a different Writer, a partial payment will be made reflecting its usable portions.
    • No Payment: If the work is unusable and cannot be revised to meet the required standard, there will be no payment to the Writer by the Client.
  1. Term and Termination

This Agreement shall commence on the date of initial assignment submission and shall continue until the completion of the project described above.

  1. Disclaimer

Writer guarantees the work will be original, of high quality and free from plagiarism. Client acknowledges that Writer is providing a writing service and is not responsible for the outcome or grade received on the project.

  1. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, representations, or agreements, whether oral or written.

  1. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ghana.

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