PhD Topic Selection Made Easy

Every PhD thesis journey starts with a topic, as it is what your study will be built on. But for the Ghanaian scholar, choosing a topic may not be so easy, as he/she must align the topic with local relevance, global trends, and academic interests. If you’re going to start your thesis soon and are stuck, these tips and tricks may be just what you need.

1. Your passion and expertise will come in handy 

If you didn’t already know, writing a PhD thesis will take quite a long time, and will demand your dedication. So you don’t want to be stuck with a topic that bores you. Instead, choose one that genuinely excites and motivates you. As a tip, go back to your previous studies, professional experiences, and personal interests for the needed inspiration. While at it, factor in your strengths and areas of expertise. This is because navigating complex research tasks will be much easier and less boring if you have prior knowledge or skills related to the topic.

2. Make sure you think about the national and regional relevance

Seeing that Ghana is full of socio-economic, environmental, and cultural dynamics, you’ll need a topic that talks about the local challenges to make your research more relevant. With this in mind, pick areas with a dire need for solutions, such as education, healthcare, agriculture, technology, and the like. If you take this approach, you can be sure that your research will contribute significantly to national development and get the approval and support of local stakeholders.

3. Don’t forget about local trends 

While local relevance is very important, you shouldn’t also forget the global trends. This is because your research will have a broader significance and attract global attention if your topic is in line with international interests. That said, you can look into areas like climate change, sustainable development, artificial intelligence, and public health. As a tip, make it a point to merge local challenges with global trends for a more desirable outcome.

Dig Deeper: What Is The Format Of A PhD Proposal?

4. Talk with your mentors and other experts

Your mentors can help you out when your PhD thesis topic is involved, so feel free to talk to them. However, ensure they understand the Ghanaian academic landscape. While at it, have a discussion with academic supervisors, colleagues, and industry professionals who can help you refine your ideas. During your interaction with them, you’ll quickly determine if your research topic is feasible, as well as where you can get resources and potential funding opportunities.

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Charis Preby Ghartey
Student Resource Content Writer at WriteMyResearchPaperForMe.Com | + posts

Charis Prebi Ghartey is an international content creator with experience as an administrator of a successful preparatory school in Nigeria. She has over 4 + years of experience in top-level writing, proofreading, editing, and content creation. Having been an administrator in educational circles, she tailors student resource articles to meet the demands and needs of students, enabling us to provide a free resource centre for students globally in academic research, research gathering, topic selection, thesis development and interview management. She wields a BSc in Sociology from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.

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